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Gardens of Pleasure, Chinese Paintings, 16th – 20th Century Gardens of Pleasure, Wang Sheng, The Perfect Art of Love and Horse-Riding, The Education of a Young Concorbine, Hidden in a Coffer, The Horsewoman
Himmelsrichtung N-S; Windrichtung/ Windstärke 1-17km/h; Deklination: Vorgestern, Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Übermorgen Rotationsrichtung 1-17 Umdrehungen/ Tag; Repeat 1-17/ Monat
Jorinde Voigt
Berlin 2012
70 x 140 cm
Farbiges Velin- & Ingrespapier, Beistift, Tinte auf Aquarellpapier, Unikat, signiert
colored vellum and ingres paper, graphite, ink on watercolor paper, unique, signed
WV 2012 – 005