Texts by Jorinde Voigt

Axioma / Supersymmetrie, Jorinde Voigt, 2010

Innerhalb der 11 Zeichnungen werden zeichnerisch verschiedene Elemente verhandelt. Insgesamt ergibt sich ein komplexes Denkmodell zu den Parametern: Rotation, Kommunikation (gerichtet + ungerichtet), Blickwinkel, Identische Positionen, Elektrizität, Airport, Flugzeugtypen (Boeing 747 bis Airbus A430), Meldodie, Zäsur, Beat, Interferenz, Loop, Sequenz in min., Nord-Süd, Multi – Zentren, Konkav/Konvex-Felder, Akustische Felder, 2-küssen-sichAktionsablaud/Generationen, C4-Detonation, Territorium, Bewegungsrichtung, Position/Standpunkt, Repetition, Sypersymmetrie (Gravitation)….continue to read

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Botanic Code, Jorinde Voigt 2009

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The characteristic features of a botanical garden are a combination of international vegetation, the reproduction of the whole world on a small scale, categorisation / scientific terms and establishment of definitions, research and the preservation of species.1 For the concept BOTANIC CODE, I take a walk through the local botanical gardens of every city to which I come as a result of my professional and private travels over a period of 12 months (November 2009 to October 2010)…. see complete concept please download

Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonate 1-32, Jorinde Voigt 2012

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The thirty-two part work Ludwig van Beethoven Sonata 1–32 developed from the following consideration: How might it be possible to reflect Ludwig van Beethoven’s music on a universal level without a new notation becoming an illustration or merely a pure interpretation of the music? The greatest challenge for me was to develop a notation that would “extract” the extremely emotional spectrum that is embedded in a Beethoven composition. This “extraction” occurred along the structure of the urtext score, which transports and communicates the experience of music.

Collective Time

5 Cavallini-Sequences

Declination of 8

Eagle Flight Path



Irreversible Processes

Interhorizontal Nexus

Intercontinental I, II,III,IV

Japanese Erotic Art. From 17th To 19th Century

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Luhmann: Love As Passion

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